Market Segment

Who we serve

The primary market segments served by YorkStreet Financial are small to medium-sized enterprises and law firms (from 1 to 500+ employees). Most have fewer than 100 employees and don’t have a dedicated Human Resources team with in-depth knowledge of employee benefits programs and pension/Group RRSP plans.

Managed Employee Benefits Made Simple

A winning business strategy led by your Employee Benefits Broker

Approximately 20 years ago, a number of our small and medium-sized corporate clients asked us if our practice included employee benefits. These clients were unhappy with their existing benefits brokers. Their complaints included limited contact, minimal service assistance from their brokers and a plan renewal process that was difficult to understand.

We conducted a market survey and based on the results we developed a business strategy that we believed would meet our clients’ needs and address the issues outlined above. The foundation upon which we have built our employee benefits practice include the following:

  • We are our clients’ Employee Benefits Partner and we work closely throughout the year with the financial decision maker and the Plan Administrator.
  • Our objectives include the implementation of Proactive Administrative Practices to protect the company and a plan administrator process to ensure that the plan is properly managed.
  • We are committed to transparency in the plan renewal process, so that the financial decision maker fully understands how the plan performed during the past business year and the pricing factors that determine the renewal premiums for the next business year.
  • Finally our priority is Employer Risk Mitigation. Our focus is risk management for the employer and minimizing the inherent risks within the benefits programs.

Most small enterprises succeed because they bring unique products and ideas to the marketplace and often are more responsive than larger companies. The ability to make decisions and solve problems on the fly is the essence of the small operation. To thrive, they need unique people with singular skills and experience. And attracting and keeping such talent takes more than a good paycheck. Welcome to the customized benefits package era.